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Monday, 22 July 2013


Proper CARE taken can Lead to a Healthy and Complication free Life!   ‪#‎Sharemore‬ ‪#‎DrRohitSharma‬ 
All Diabetic Patients should Recieve:
1) Pneumococcal Vaccine
2) Yearly Eye Exam to check for Proliferative retinopathies, which might need laser therapy.
3) Statin Medication if the LDL is above 100 mg/dl.
4) ACE inhibitors or ARBs if BP is greater then 130/80 [YES, 130/80] mm of Hg.
5) ACEi or ARB if urine tests positive for microalbuminurea.
6) Aspirin , used regularly in all Diabetic patients above the age of 30 years.
& LAST BUT not the least
7) Foot Exam for Neuropathy & Ulcers. 
‪#‎USMLEtoResidency‬ ‪#‎Diabetescare‬ ‪#‎Endocrinology‬ ‪#‎Step2CK‬‪#‎Diabetes‬ ‪#‎Spreadtheword‬ ‪#‎USMLE‬ ‪#‎Doctorsofthefuture‬